3 Ways to Create Quality E-Commerce Product Photos with Crait AI

3 Ways to Create Quality E-Commerce Product Photos with Crait AI

Aug 30, 2024

product photography
product photography

In today's competitive e-commerce landscape, visuals play a crucial role in influencing purchasing decisions. Product photos influence %93 of purchases! Boost your e-commerce sales with Crait AI. Product photos influence a staggering 93% of purchasing decisions, underscoring the critical role of high-quality visuals in driving e-commerce sales. With Crait AI, you can effortlessly create professional-grade product photos that captivate your audience and boost your sales. Elevate your brand’s visual appeal and see the difference quality images can make with the power of Crait AI.

1. Photoshoot: Customizable Product Photography with AI

First, explore the Photoshoot section. This tool provides a comprehensive dashboard to manage and customize your photoshoots with AI-driven precision.

Getting Started:

  • Product Photo: Choose a product from the 'Product Photo' section or upload a new one from your computer.

  • Visual Guidance: Use our pre-designed inspirations and scene templates, or upload your own to achieve the desired image.

  • Image Style: Customize the lighting or apply specific brand styles.

  • Prompt Box: Describe your desired scene (e.g., "On a counter in a modern kitchen") or use the 'Complete My Prompt' feature for AI suggestions.

  • Advanced Settings: Enhance your prompts with features like 'Face & Text Composition' for products with faces, text, or hands, and 'Exclude My Background' to eliminate unwanted background elements.

Creating a Shoot:

  1. Add your product to the canvas.

  2. Enter a specific prompt or use the AI suggestions.

  3. Select the number of images and activate 'Face & Text Composition' if necessary.

  4. Click "Crait" to generate your images.

For added creativity, you can include props and customize the lighting to match your brand style. Once satisfied, review the results, save, share, or download your polished product images.

2. Scene Templates: Streamlined and Consistent Product Shoots

Next, delve into using Scene Templates to create your product photos. This feature is perfect for achieving a consistent look and feel across your product images with minimal effort.

How to Use Scene Templates:

  1. Search and select a pre-made scene template from the category that suits your product.

  2. Position your product within the scene.

  3. Adjust settings such as the 'Face & Text Composition' if needed.

  4. Click "Crait" to generate the images.

For a personalized touch, save custom scene templates to your Asset Library. The Scene Template feature works seamlessly with the Light settings but does not support the Prompt and Inspiration features.

3. Inspiration: Leveraging Pre-Made Designs for Unique Photos

Finally, consider using the Inspiration feature for your product shoots. This option allows you to draw from pre-made inspirations or upload your own, helping you create unique and visually appealing product photos.

How to Utilize Inspiration:

  1. Add your product to the canvas.

  2. Search and select a pre-made inspiration or upload your custom inspirations.

  3. Adjust the number of images and settings such as 'Face & Text Composition' to suit your needs.

  4. Click "Crait" to bring your vision to life.

The Inspiration feature supports both the Prompt and Light settings, offering flexibility and creative freedom, but does not integrate with Scene Templates.

Pro Tips for Optimal Results:

  • Avoid repeating the product type in your prompts.

  • Be specific and descriptive to guide the AI effectively.

  • Use adjectives for more vivid and engaging imagery.


Creating high-quality e-commerce product photos is no longer a daunting task thanks to Crait AI. Whether you opt for the customizable Photoshoot tool, the streamlined Scene Templates, or the creative Inspirations, Crait transforms your vision into reality effortlessly. Start innovating your product photography today with Crait AI—your ultimate AI product photography tool.

For more insights on how to create AI images and leverage our AI tool for product shoots, visit Crait and explore the plethora of resources designed to help you succeed in the digital marketplace

Today, sign up for Crait AI to get 20 Free Photos!
Start with free trial now: https://app.crait.it/

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Empowering your eComm and marketing visuals with power of AI creativity and actionable data insight.

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Empowering your eComm and marketing visuals with power of AI creativity and actionable data insight.

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